Ring the Peak trail happy campers

Ring the Peak Trail
& a Union of Communities

Pikes Peak, America’s Mountain, is a landmark with many different personalities. Anyone who’s used the trails around this legendary mountain will tell you that it’s well worth the journey. We are closer now than ever to completing a full ring, a rare accomplishment on an international level.

On this site you’ll find important information to plan your trip around Pikes Peak as well as an opportunity to be part of Colorado history and finish a complete ring, uniting communities and creating opportunities for Colorado residents and visitors alike.

A unique possibility to combine multiple uses

Trails and Opens Space Coalition has worked with local, state, and federal partners in creating a network of trails that allow multiple uses for different communities. Download this masterplan and make sure to check trail information for a list of approved trail activities for each segment.

Ring the Peak trail kayakers
Ring around Pikes Peak

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">A Project for All of Colorado

Our vision to create a complete ring will benefit all of Colorado. By elevating Pikes Peak to an international class of mountains such as Mount Blanc of France that have a complete system of trails that completely surround the mountain. By working with conservation and state federal agencies we are creating the ring in the right way, to benefit the most people! Join us today to take advantage of an opportunity of international scale.

Trail Champions

Community Partners

We need the community to create a ring

Be part of history. While all of the fourteeners in Colorado have been discovered, you can be part of the first complete ring around one of them. If you can’t donate to the cause, please consider joining our email list to receive updates on this project and communications on how you can help. This trail will be open to the public, but we need the public’s help to make it happen.

Colorado flag Tent

The Fellowship of the Ring

A History of Building

Friends of the Peak began working with governmental agencies surrounding Pikes Peak to designate existing trail segments as the Ring the Peak Trail in the early 2000’s. Since then, about 63 miles of trail have been officially designated and signed as part of the Ring the Peak Trail.
Organizations have struggled for years to develop a plan to close the southwest gap. After a number of years and and numerous meetings with local representatives in the Cripple Creek-Victor area, it was decided that a public planning process would be needed to come to a consensus about how to complete the Ring on the southwest side of Pikes Peak.

In 2016, the Trails and Open Space Coalition (TOSC) partnered with the City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department to apply for a Great Outdoor Colorado (GOCO) Planning Grant to address closing the southwest gap.

Help Us Complete the Ring

  • Help fund the conservation and building of trail systems

  • Volunteer to help local partners clean and maintain the trail system

  • Be part of history and create a ring around Pikes Peak

Want to help us create an amazing ring around Pike’s Peak?

We need help in creating, maintaining, and championing our beautiful local trails. Please sign up through the form below and we will reach out to you with our next volunteer opportunity! 

Interested in Becoming a Trail Champion?

Get involved in the beautiful mission of maintaining and expanding a majestic mountain trail network. Connect with us today to find out how you can contribute! Fill out the form below and we will reach out to you via phone or email to discuss how we can work together.

Ring the Peak Newsletter

Sign up to the Trails and Open Space Coalition mailing list to get the newest news, and learn of ways to be involved with the Ring the Peak Trail.

Stay Informed

Sign up to the Trails and Open Space Coalition mailing list to get the newest news, and learn of ways to be involved with the Ring the Peak Trail.

We honor your privacy and promise to only share news and ways to be involved with this project.