Photo Submission Terms & Conditions
By consenting to our use of your photograph, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. Please read them carefully. If you do not agree to these terms, then you should not provide us with your consent to use the photograph.
You confirm that you are either (i) the photographer or copyright owner of the photograph; or (ii) you have the express consent of the copyright owner of the photograph to license the photograph to third-parties, such as us, in accordance with these terms and conditions.
You represent that you have obtained the permission of all third persons, including minor children (or you are the parent or legal guardian of any minor children), depicted in the photograph to allow us to use the photograph in accordance with these terms and conditions. You agree to fully indemnify and hold us harmless in the event of a claim against us or any of our resorts by a third party alleging infringement of such third party’s rights of any kind and/or if these statements prove to be untrue or inaccurate.
You hereby grant us an irrevocable, non-exclusive transferable, sub-licenseable, royalty free license to use the photograph and other content (such as names or social media profile names associated with the photograph) in all forms of media throughout this website and future marketing and informational campaigns.
You voluntarily, knowingly and irrevocably waive any rights to privacy, moral rights or additional compensation beyond the enjoyment of seeing the photograph used as provided herein.
You understand that visitors to our websites or social media accounts may be able to download or repost the photograph and as a result the photograph may be used for other purposes and that we will not have any obligation to prevent or police, and will not be liable for, any such downloading and reuse by a third party.
We respect the intellectual property rights of others, and do not permit, condone or tolerate the use of photographs that infringe copyright.
For more information on our privacy policies, please refer to our Privacy Policy.